The Academic Resource Center (ARC) is a comprehensive tutoring service, offering students free tutoring in any discipline taught at New College including software (e.g. R, SAS, SPSS, Excel, and other applications). Tutoring is available one-on-one or in small groups and remotely or in person. The ARC supersedes the Quantitative Resource Center which offered tutoring in quantitative disciplines. To find tutors, including contact information and office hours, go to the ARC Schedule tile on the myNCF portal myncf.lqqqhuanbao.com.
The ARC is located in the library in LBR 119, and you can drop in any time. To get there from the library entrance, look for the hallway on the right in front of the cafe and follow it past the elevator. The ARC is at the end of the hall on the left hand side across the hall from the Student Success Center. Students wishing to become tutors should ask a faculty member to recommend them. A recommendation can be a one-line email to Travis Lee ([email protected]) giving the name and the course(s) or subject(s) for which they are being recommended.
Dr. Travis Lee
Director of Quantitative Skills Programs
Director of the Academic Resource Center